Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bibliophile's TBR and More for March

Okay, I know you can already see this list just there...*points to the pretty list off to the side of the blog*  However, I also like to put together a concise post of what I intend on reading each month.  Yes, before you say it, you will see five carry over books that is mainly because I have a slightly addictive relationship with my library card and it is a rarity that I can actually step foot into the library without coming out with a stack of books that usually take precedence over any books that I actually own (mainly because I have to give them back at the end of a twenty-one day period....or forty-two day period if I can actually renew them...though it rarely takes me longer than twenty-one days to read some of the books...).  

This Month's TBR is already somewhat daunting for me, as it includes the book that will be the longest book I've read so far this year.  So far, the longest is The Bone Season by Samantha Shanon at a comfortable 480 pages which surprisingly only took me 5-ish days to read.  This year I have been slightly more OCD about tracking my reading, and I have a spreadsheet in Google Docs that I am tracking a variety of things including the amount of page numbers I've read for the year.  At the end of February I have read a massive: 9414 pages worth of books. Once I finish the books I have listed in my spreadsheet (not all of them are on March's TBR list, but will probably be read throughout the month) I will have read 15525 pages worth of words so far in 2016.  

Anyway, here are the things I intend on getting read during the month of March 2016....

1. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira - Started 2/29/16 - 336 pgs
2. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - Started 2/29/16 - 336 pgs
3. Trigger Warnings: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman - 310 pgs
4. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin - 355 pgs
5. The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber - 901 pgs
6. Suicide Notes from Beautiful Girls by Lynn Weingarten - 336 pgs
7. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz - 359 pgs
8. The Number 7 by Jessica Lidh - 272 pgs
9. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee - 278 pgs
10. The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdleh - 395 pgs

The following books will be supplemented to my TBR and may at times take precedence to those that are either from the library or those that I own, because they were given to me by authors to review: 

1. Assassin's Lament by Michael Cairns - 329 pgs
2. Ninja Zombie killers I by Michael Cairns - 242 pgs
3. Locked Inside by Annette Mori - 199 pgs

The following will also be supplemented and find places among this month's TBR because I'd lapsed in getting these read and reviews posted and I do owe it to the authors to finally get these reviews posted (and often it will require re-reading the book)...

1. Banished Love by Ramona Flightner - 289 pgs
.2. Death's Servant by C.J. Ellisson - 119 pgs
3. A Silent Prayer by Samreen Ahsan - 339 pgs
4. Darkness Watching by Emma L. Adams - 207 pgs
5. Just Beneath the Surface I by R.H. Ramsey - 217 pgs
6. Landon's Story by R.H. Ramsey - 292 pgs.

I have been slacking on my reviews, and I do hope to remedy that and ultimately catch up to the place where I have all the books that are listed in my Completed list, but lacking actual links are done.  So to do that, I am hoping to have on top of all the weekly fun posts throughout the month at least two to three reviews posted daily here on the blog.  I don't want to overwhelm, so they will be at staggered times throughout the day if I do more than three per day.  So, check back often for reviews and weekly goodies!  

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