Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hello Sweeties!

Sweet lord.  I never thought the last week was going to end.  I do apologize for going dark for nearly a week and change.  I'd worked an over 40 hr work week last week and my body simply could not even begin to function beyond necessities.  This, coupled with a minor anxiety attack over the fact that my first paycheck from the new owner at work was was just absolute chaos.  I don't even remember if I finished reading anything last week...let alone updated anything.  

It's been crazy.  So, I'm spending some time getting up some much needed love.  I'm a little late on some reviews (if anyone is surprised by that you must be new here) and I'll be doing my darnedest to get things caught up.  I am legit almost caught up (if I can get my butt in gear and start working on things properly).  

Here are some of the things you can expect for the coming week or two! Yes, I'm going to attempt to get that much done!  Don't die of shock!  

Book of the Week
Review: Prudence
Review: Since You've Been Gone
Review: Across the Universe

Monday 3/14
TBR Update
Review: A Million Suns
Review: If I Stay
Review: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Tuesday 3/15
Top 10 Tuesday: Book Hotties
Review: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Review: Mr. Penumrba's 24-Hour Bookstore
Review: The Lost Days

Wednesday 3/16
Wish List Wednesday: Leather Bound Editions
Review: Dark Times
Review: A Midsummer Night's Scream
Review: Anna and the French Kiss

Thursday 3/17
Review: Dark Places
Review: Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Review: Asylum

Friday 3/18
What's On My Kindle: Birthday Gifts
Review: Red Rising
Review: Chinese Cinderella: The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter
Review: Queen of the Tearling

Saturday 3/19
Review: Dragon's Oath
Review: Lenobia's Vow
Review: Neveret's Curse
Review: Kalona's Fall

Sunday 3/20
Book of the Week
Review: Destined
Review: Hidden
Review: I'll Give You the Sun

Starting with the review of I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, that will begin books that I've read in 2016, and have me fully caught up from last years books aside from books that I'd been given for review.  See, I'm getting there!  However, I think I have a few more books to add to the list.  Also, one of these reviews, I think probably one of the ones on Monday or Tuesday will be my 100th review! 

So, without further adieu...time for me to get things rolling!  

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