Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Reflections of a Cold Girl

This was me this morning when I woke up and looked at the temperature, simply because I have to leave the house.  I cannot stay in my pajamas all day again (much like yesterday!).  So, I know this is two days late, but I was too damn cold to function and pretty much vegged out watching things on Youtube and writing letters to my pen pals because I'd been neglecting them due to being sick and the holidays.  

I am currently in the process of doing about 6 different things (including getting ready to walk out the door) and all of them will help keep me organized and happy in the coming months...or at least I hope so :) Beyond that, I'm just dealing with life as it is thrown at me.  I'm relaxing when I can, and ultimately attempting to ensure that I am productive as possible.  

Yes, I know this is technically Sunday's blog...it's been cold and I've been achy and typing has not been my friend because of my neuropathy, which tends to settle in my left hand/wrist and make my life difficult.  I haven't even been on social media much in the last couple of days due to the fact that the cold is screwing with my productivity.  

Right now, I'm finishing this, and then working on today's blog post and a series of reviews, and then I need to actually finish setting up my bujo that is devoted to my blog.  I've bought a cheap little dollar store notebook (rather, I found one hiding in some of my stuff) and I'm turning it into my blog bullet journal.  Something a bit minimalist, though that really won't last because honestly, I am too creative to keep anything completely minimalist.  

I am still attempting to change my mindset and actively get moving and productive in this new year, but it is hard.  I know part of my problem and it is at the point where I need to stop messing around and start ensuring that I have the money for doctors appointments that I need, so I can actively start working on taking care of my mental and physical health.  It does not help that I've been feeling more run down than usual (strep throat didn't really help that feeling at all) but I've also been fighting a bit more with my anxiety and depression and those are things that I need to get under control, to the point that I need to probably start adding a symptom/trigger tracker to my bullet journal or start including triggers/symptoms that have caused an issue with my anxiety or depression so I have the notes when I finally make it to a doctors appointment. 


Time for me to start getting productive, my Spotify playlist is calling my name. 

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