Saturday, January 7, 2017

2017: Week One in Review

So, if you know anything about me (and you should if you've been following the blog for awhile) know that my productivity comes in waves.  There will be months where I'm super-duper productive and get out all the reviews and all the blog posts and then there will be months where it seems like I've fallen off the face of the earth.  I know you've honestly heard what I'm about to say before, but, this time, I seriously, seriously freaking mean it...I am honestly going to actually get my crap together and keep up this level of productivity for all three hundred and sixty five days of this year (Okay, don't judge, and yes I know I've already missed 2 blog posts this week...and I've not posted a single review for this year yet...hush...I'm getting there!), or rather the days that are left.  Especially since I intend on incorporating some youtube videos into the mix of things -- yes I know, I need to fix the link in my last blog post concerning the vid, there were issues, and it got reuploaded and I'll fix the link - after this blog post! 

What can you, honestly, expect from me in 2017 that is different than every other time I've attempted to boost my productivity in the years past?  I am actually 100% setting up a window of about 3-4 hours a day (probably realistically 1-2 on days that I work longer shifts at work) that will be devoted to getting up blog content.  I will be hopefully filming youtube videos which will probably for the most part focus on my bullet journal and maybe some book stuff on Sundays, editing on Monday or Tuesday and uploading on Tuesday or Wednesday, with another upload probably on Saturday.  We will see, as that is still somewhat up in the air as to just how many videos I'm going to post in a week because I do have to share the bandwidth with 4 other people and they tend to get bitchy when things get horribly laggy or some shit.  I am also attempting to work through some backlog when it comes to reviews.  I am currently attempting to pen out a review schedule in a little pocket planner that I have, or I might buy a notebook (because I so need more of those) from the dollar store and turn that into my review tracking bullet journal and customize it for that.  That might, now that I think about it, be the better option for this...yeah, will have to see what I can find at the dollar store that will fit what I want and probably start working on that tomorrow or probably Monday before I have to go to work.  

What can you expect to see in the coming week?

1. Book of the Week (Today)
2. 2 Reviews (Today)
3. Sunday Reflections
4. Tuesday Thoughts
5. Wish List Wednesday 
6. Thankful Thursday
7. 10 reviews (minimum)
8. Book of the Week (Saturdays)

That totals to about 15 blog posts per week - at minimum.  The weekly scheduled plus the addition of the reviews in the mix.  I'm aiming for 10 minimum a week because that will ensure that I can actually start clearing up my 2016 backlog (which is quite a few from the books that I'd read and not yet reviewed) as well as let me start throwing into the mix the books i've started finishing for this year. 

So, without further adieu, it's time for me to get my buns in gear and crank up some tailgating country music and get cracking on things!  

Lots of love!


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