Friday, December 23, 2016

What the What?

This is pretty much me staring the end of 2016 in the face.   No, seriously.  I literally have no chill for anything else to go wrong this close to the end of the year.  None whatsoever.  Rest assured, I am fully intending on entering 2017 with positivity and good thoughts.  I have every intention of crossing several things off my bucket list next year, as well as ensuring that my year is filled with productivity, positivity, and appreciation of self. 

Too long have I found myself in situations where I have had to say no, however, instead of being willing to put my own well being ahead of others I agree to whatever it is.  Which ultimately leads to me eventually looking at said thing as an obligation and no longer an enjoyment.  I've done this with writing more times than I can count, and I know there are others who can handle excessive loads for writing, be it reviews, or stories, or other such things and I ultimately end up burning myself out and find no enjoyment in the things that I love.  This is something that will be changing in the coming year.  I need to learn to say no to things that put my own mental well-being at risk.  I do not want to get burnt out on the things that I love, and at the same time I want to push my creative boundaries.  

Several other things will be happening that I may or may not touch on in future blogs.  For now, just know that several of the things that are going to be happening are for the benefit of my own physical and mental well being, and I am looking forward to taking these steps and rejuvenating myself in the coming year.  It's just a matter of finding those who will uplift me and support me in the things that I am attempting to do for myself. 

Normally I would reserve blog posts like this for Sunday Reflections - yes, there will be a full revision of the blog schedule going up at the start of the year.  There will be some changes, removal of a few things, addition of a few things, all of it will be made known at the start of the year.  

Now, I think I'm going to go crank up some Metallica - Moth Into Flame and dye my hair a very, very pretty deep burgundy...or I'll wait because I just cut my hand attempting to get into my chocolate orange.  Yeah, apparently this is the story of my life, either way I've got Metallica in my headphones.  

Lots of love..


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