Sunday, October 2, 2016

September in Review

September was a quiet month for me.  Mainly because I was dealing with quite a few things that were rearing their ugly heads and sending my depression in a downward spiral.  So, that's always fun. 

Anyway...enough of are the books that I've read in the month of September...

1. The Rest of Us Just Live Here - Patrick Ness
2. Hamilton: The Revolution - Lin-Manuel Miranda
3. Children of the Flames - Lucette Matalon Lagnado
4. Always Never Sometimes - Adi Alsaid
5. The School of Good and Evil - Soman Chainani
6. The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
7. Curtsies & Conspiracies - Gail Carriger

Here is hoping that October doesn't suck as much as September did. 

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